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          R E D  twenty five  Apple
  1. California
  2. New York
  3. New Jersey
  4. Florida
  5. Maryland
  6. Texas
  7. Colorado
  8. Illinois
 forty five  Coconut
   yellow  seventy two  Banana que

This sample Web site provides example of the following:

1. Link to another site

2. Table

3. Outline list

4. Listed Informational text

5. Various font and background colors

6. Background Picture




The mind is everything. What you think, is what you become.  –Buddha

When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us. –Helen Keller


  Pinas Vacation info Link: see below



Outline Form list:

  1. Tibia
  2. Radius
  3. Femur
  4. Mandibular
  5. Cocyx
  6. Humerus

It’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. –Abraham Lincoln

Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. –Les Brown

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Designed by Leo Lee


“Just know, when you truly want success, you’ll never give up on it. No matter how bad the situation may get.” - Unknown
“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.” – Les Brown
“I don’t regret the things I’ve done, I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance.” – Unknown
 jolie1The actress who i find so beautiufuL!! . AJolie!

“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” - Joshua J. Marine

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15 Ways To Wake Up With Motivation
1. Have your biggest dreams written on a massive white board
Your dreams and audacious goals should be written where you can consistently see them. I use a big white board next to my desk. On the white board are my big goals, my weekly goals, and motivational quotes. This helps me keep the eye on the prize, maintain focus, and ward of the distractions that make their way into my day.
2. Focus only on TODAY
We can get lost in thinking about the future or regretting the past. What’s terrible about this is that while you’re worrying and wishing you were in a different position in life, someone else is working.
Worry does no good. If you truly want to succeed barkadayou need to learn how to focus your mind only on the present. Do what you can do in the moment, work on the project at hand, accomplish your daily goals and tasks, and you’ll do the same with your bigger, lifelong goals and dreams.
3. Have only 3 things on your to do list that MUST BE accomplished
Don’t try and fill your day with too much. Sure, you’d like to get a lot accomplished, but there should be 3 (only 3) important tasks that NEED to be accomplished. Focus on these first. When they’re completed, and only when they’re completed, are you allowed to move on to other things.
Too many people spread themselves thin. What ends up happening is they get overwhelmed, which crushes their motivation, and nothing gets done.
If you’re focused, you’ll stay motivated, you’ll get more done, and you’ll be where you want to be a lot faster.
4. Practice discipline
Discipline isn’t sexy, but it’s necessary. It’s in discipline that we gain freedom. We gain freedom to get more done, to improve, and to remove regret from our lives.
When you’re focused only on today, doing only what needs to be done in the now, nothing else matters. But discipline needs to be practiced everyday.
When a reporter asked two-time MVP point guard Steve Nash, how often he trained growing up, he said (and I paraphrase) Everyday. I never missed a workout, because I knew that if I missed one, I’d give myself a reason to miss another.
If you practice laziness and distraction, that is what you’ll be, and you’ll be left with nothing but regret and failure. Practice being successful by doing what successful people do everyday: they remain disciplined.
Remember, take it one day at a time. Don’t get overwhelmed with eternity when the present should be your only concern.
5. Create an inspiring environment
Your environment HAS TO inspire you. Surround yourself with images that motivate you, but also in a clean, clear space. Clutter truly does clutter the mind, but it can also be depressing to be in a messy area.
Pattern your work environment as you’d love it to be. Spend a little money on a nice desk if that’s your thing, but make sure your work space inspires you and motivates you. This is where the magic happens. This is where you should be spending most of your time. So make sure it affects you positively.
6. Have a quotes list near your desk, and your bed
It’s not the critic who counts… The famous quote by Theodore Roosevelt is always close. Be it in my notebook (one of the two), or handing from my bathroom mirror, or next to my bed, I always have inspirational quotes that keep me focused, upbeat, and aware that success isn’t immediate. That success takes hard work, dedication and much sacrifice.
If “making it” was easy, everyone would have made it. That’s why I respect all entrepreneurs, it takes guts to be in the arena.
7. Workout everyday
Part of staying motivated is warding off depressive thoughts. Being physically fit helps with that not only from an image and an energy aspect, but hormonally as well.
For men, being physically fit will help raise your natural levels of testosterone, which leads to diminished likelihood of depression. So get in the gym at least 4 times a week, and get outside and get active.
8. Set mini, measurable goals
You’ll have your big goals – and make sure they’re as clear as possible – but they need to be broken into smaller goals as well. Make these goals measurable and attainable in the near future (like “to-do’s”).
Everything should be measurable so you know where you are in relation to where you want to be (EVERYTHING). 

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